Jesus Is The Light Of The World



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: Which would you find more difficult: Not being able to taste anything or smell anything?

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Piñata Mask/Costume, Pool Noodle, Blindfold (2)

Lights come up to the Host and Co-Host already on stage with two kids and one volunteer. The Host and Co-Host are dressed in lab coats. The volunteer is wearing a pinata mask or costume. One can be made by attaching pieces of paper to glasses or a party hat. The kids are wearing blindfolds. The object of the game is to touch the “Piñata” with their pool noodle. The teachers and/or additional volunteers should help ensure safety.


On your mark, get set, go!

Turn the kids around multiple times. Optional, play game music.


These teams must try to find the piñata without using their eyes. The first one to touch the piñata with their pool noodle wins. They can only walk, not run. You can shout hints because the pinata will move. The winner wins points for his or her team.

Play the game.


Congratulations to our winner! Wow, it would have been a lot easier if he/she weren’t blindfolded.


For sure! Today we will discover the power of having light in your life.


I can’t wait. Tell someone nearby whether you like your bedroom to be completely dark or if you prefer to have a little bit of light at night.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Battery Operated Candles

Host and Co-Host enter.


I hope they get the power back on soon. Have you guys ever lost power before at your house?


What’s the worst part about losing power?

Interview some kids.


It’s not so bad during the day, but I’m not a big fan of losing power at night. This talk about the power reminds me of our Big Point.


Today’s Big Point is something that Jesus said about Himself. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


We are going to count down from three and then you read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, Jesus Is The Light Of The World! The Bible says that the world was dark without Jesus.


That’s because Jesus brought God’s truth to our world. He showed us what God is really like.


Jesus said that if you’ve seen Him, then you’ve seen God. We may not physically see Jesus, but we read about what He said and did in the Bible. That points us to God.


Instead of bumbling around in the darkness, we find God through Jesus. Darkness can seem overwhelming, like when the power goes out. In fact, let’s darken the room right now. Stay seated and observe the dark room.

Turn off the lights.


Wow, it would be hard to move around the room without bumping into someone. Forget trying to find someone in particular. Light is always more powerful than darkness. Let’s turn on a candle and see what happens.

Turn on the battery-operated candles, beginning one at a time. You can also substitute a flashlight. If possible, consider giving all the kids a battery-operated candle and allowing them all to turn them on.


No matter how dark it is, light always wins. Darkness can never be dark enough to drown out the light.


Sometimes our world seems dark, but Jesus’ light will always shine brighter. Let’s see if the lights are back on at the lab.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Bean Boozled Game, Blindfolds, Small Trash Cans (Lined With Trash Bags)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Does Rusty’s idea sound like a good plan? How can you be a tour guide if you can’t even see?


His plan would work better if he had some light to guide him, just like our lives work better if Jesus’ light guides us. That’s why understanding our Big Point is important.


His plan would work better if he had some light to guide him, just like our lives work better if Jesus’ light guides us. That’s why understanding our Big Point is important.


Jesus Is The Light Of The World!


That truth comes straight from Jesus’ words. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal where we find that truth in the Bible.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


Help us count down from three, and then read today’s Big Verse.


The Big Verse, in John 8:12 (NIrV), says, “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows Me will never walk in darkness.”


When we follow Jesus, we can be sure that He will always lead us to what is best for us. Ultimately, Jesus leads us to life that lasts forever.


Some people reject Jesus and choose darkness, and that makes no sense. When you walk in darkness, you never know if you’re heading in the wrong direction. Let’s play a little game to show you what we mean.


We have two contestants who are coming to do a little blind taste test. Have you ever played Bean Boozled? We’re going to play it blindfolded. They’re going to spin, and I will hand them whatever jellybean the spinner lands on. Since they are blindfolded, they won’t know what is coming.


Let’s see how many flavors they get right and how many flavors make them want to throw up.

Optional, play game music. Play the game, allowing the kids to try to the different jellybeans. Keep the trash cans handy, and make sure the kids know where they are, to keep the mess to a minimum. After each kid eats one, have the kids guess the flavor and then announce to the audience the correct flavor. After the game, ask the contestants about their experience of not being able to see while playing.


They were great sports. Life is a lot like Bean Boozled. Sometimes you get really good things. Sometimes life hands you some bad things. It’s pretty scary if you’re going into it blind.


When we follow Jesus and walk in His light, then He guides us through all situations, good or bad. Let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

Optional, play soft instrumental music.

We can discover truth in God’s Word. It shines a light on our lives and guides us in the right direction. The Bible says that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. It’s no ordinary book. God’s Word is powerful. So let’s take part of today’s Big Verse and repeat it over and over to ourselves. You don’t have to say it loudly; just repeat the verse softly to yourself. We call this meditating on God’s Word. We’re going to pray this, “I follow You, Jesus, so I will never walk in darkness.” Let’s repeat that prayer (Repeat the prayer a few times with the kids) Praying God’s word is a great way to make sure you pray the truth.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


I’m glad that Rusty gave up on his tour guide company. It sounds like it was a total disaster.


It reminds me why it’s so important to follow Jesus. His light gives us truth and shows things as they really are. That can protect us from a lot of trouble. Our Big Point is true,


Jesus Is The Light Of The World!


Just like the blind man received His sight from Jesus, we see the true light when we say, “Yes” to Jesus. If people aren’t following Jesus, then they’re just stumbling around in the dark.


That reminds me of this week’s Big Do.


Set up an obstacle course in your living room. Turn off the lights and try to make it through without bumping into the obstacles. Then turn the lights on and try it again.


I hope you can remember what it looks like once the lights are off, or you might be in some trouble. Let’s play a game where you have to make a blind guess. We’re going to show some slides for five seconds, and then you will answer questions about what you saw.

Optional, play game music.

Show each slide for three seconds, and then ask questions about what was on the slide. You can question the whole group or bring up a few kids on stage.


It’s hard to get it right when you can’t see what’s on the screen.


Thankfully we follow a leader who give us light. Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about what we’ve learned from the Bible.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Why didn’t Rusty’s idea work?

  • Who was more blind to the truth in the Big Story – the blind man or religious leaders? The religious leaders. Why were they so confused about what was true? Because they didn’t trust in Jesus, so they didn’t have His light to guide them.

  • Why is it important for us to follow Jesus? So we can make wise choices, have light, please the Lord. How do we get His light? Saying Yes to Him, reading the Bible, praying. How does His light help us each day?

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Set up an obstacle course

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says Jesus Is The ______ Of The World!

    • Friend

    • Light

  • What was wrong with the man Jesus met in the Big Story?

    • Couldn’t walk

    • Couldn’t see

  • Who was angry that the blind man had been healed by Jesus?

    • Jewish teachers

    • The man’s parents

  • How did the blind man respond when he saw Jesus?

    • Told Jesus to leave

    • Worshipped Jesus

  • Jesus’ light helps us see truth.

    • True

    • False

  • John 8:12 (NIrV), “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows Me will never walk in ________.”

    • Truth

    • Darkness

  • What kind of business did Rusty create?

    • Window washing service

    • Blind tour guide

  • Sometimes the darkness can overpower Jesus’ light.

    • True

    • False

  • How does Jesus give us light?

    • The Bible and godly people

    • Social media and tv

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Set up an obstacle course

Jesus Is The Light Of The World Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: Which would you find more difficult: Not being able to taste anything or smell anything?

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Piñata Mask/Costume, Pool Noodle, Blindfold (2)

Lights come up to the Host and Co-Host already on stage with two kids and one volunteer. The Host and Co-Host are dressed in lab coats. The volunteer is wearing a pinata mask or costume. One can be made by attaching pieces of paper to glasses or a party hat. The kids are wearing blindfolds. The object of the game is to touch the “Piñata” with their pool noodle. The teachers and/or additional volunteers should help ensure safety.


On your mark, get set, go!

Turn the kids around multiple times. Optional, play game music.


These teams must try to find the piñata without using their eyes. The first one to touch the piñata with their pool noodle wins. They can only walk, not run. You can shout hints because the pinata will move. The winner wins points for his or her team.

Play the game.


Congratulations to our winner! Wow, it would have been a lot easier if he/she weren’t blindfolded.


For sure! Today we will discover the power of having light in your life.


I can’t wait. Tell someone nearby whether you like your bedroom to be completely dark or if you prefer to have a little bit of light at night.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Battery Operated Candles

Host and Co-Host enter.


I hope they get the power back on soon. Have you guys ever lost power before at your house?


What’s the worst part about losing power?

Interview some kids.


It’s not so bad during the day, but I’m not a big fan of losing power at night. This talk about the power reminds me of our Big Point.


Today’s Big Point is something that Jesus said about Himself. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


We are going to count down from three and then you read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, Jesus Is The Light Of The World! The Bible says that the world was dark without Jesus.


That’s because Jesus brought God’s truth to our world. He showed us what God is really like.


Jesus said that if you’ve seen Him, then you’ve seen God. We may not physically see Jesus, but we read about what He said and did in the Bible. That points us to God.


Instead of bumbling around in the darkness, we find God through Jesus. Darkness can seem overwhelming, like when the power goes out. In fact, let’s darken the room right now. Stay seated and observe the dark room.

Turn off the lights.


Wow, it would be hard to move around the room without bumping into someone. Forget trying to find someone in particular. Light is always more powerful than darkness. Let’s turn on a candle and see what happens.

Turn on the battery-operated candles, beginning one at a time. You can also substitute a flashlight. If possible, consider giving all the kids a battery-operated candle and allowing them all to turn them on.


No matter how dark it is, light always wins. Darkness can never be dark enough to drown out the light.


Sometimes our world seems dark, but Jesus’ light will always shine brighter. Let’s see if the lights are back on at the lab.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Bean Boozled Game, Blindfolds, Small Trash Cans (Lined With Trash Bags)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Does Rusty’s idea sound like a good plan? How can you be a tour guide if you can’t even see?


His plan would work better if he had some light to guide him, just like our lives work better if Jesus’ light guides us. That’s why understanding our Big Point is important.


His plan would work better if he had some light to guide him, just like our lives work better if Jesus’ light guides us. That’s why understanding our Big Point is important.


Jesus Is The Light Of The World!


That truth comes straight from Jesus’ words. Let’s choose an assistant to help us reveal where we find that truth in the Bible.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


Help us count down from three, and then read today’s Big Verse.


The Big Verse, in John 8:12 (NIrV), says, “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows Me will never walk in darkness.”


When we follow Jesus, we can be sure that He will always lead us to what is best for us. Ultimately, Jesus leads us to life that lasts forever.


Some people reject Jesus and choose darkness, and that makes no sense. When you walk in darkness, you never know if you’re heading in the wrong direction. Let’s play a little game to show you what we mean.


We have two contestants who are coming to do a little blind taste test. Have you ever played Bean Boozled? We’re going to play it blindfolded. They’re going to spin, and I will hand them whatever jellybean the spinner lands on. Since they are blindfolded, they won’t know what is coming.


Let’s see how many flavors they get right and how many flavors make them want to throw up.

Optional, play game music. Play the game, allowing the kids to try to the different jellybeans. Keep the trash cans handy, and make sure the kids know where they are, to keep the mess to a minimum. After each kid eats one, have the kids guess the flavor and then announce to the audience the correct flavor. After the game, ask the contestants about their experience of not being able to see while playing.


They were great sports. Life is a lot like Bean Boozled. Sometimes you get really good things. Sometimes life hands you some bad things. It’s pretty scary if you’re going into it blind.


When we follow Jesus and walk in His light, then He guides us through all situations, good or bad. Let’s stand and worship God.

Big Story

Optional, play soft instrumental music.

We can discover truth in God’s Word. It shines a light on our lives and guides us in the right direction. The Bible says that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. It’s no ordinary book. God’s Word is powerful. So let’s take part of today’s Big Verse and repeat it over and over to ourselves. You don’t have to say it loudly; just repeat the verse softly to yourself. We call this meditating on God’s Word. We’re going to pray this, “I follow You, Jesus, so I will never walk in darkness.” Let’s repeat that prayer (Repeat the prayer a few times with the kids) Praying God’s word is a great way to make sure you pray the truth.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


I’m glad that Rusty gave up on his tour guide company. It sounds like it was a total disaster.


It reminds me why it’s so important to follow Jesus. His light gives us truth and shows things as they really are. That can protect us from a lot of trouble. Our Big Point is true,


Jesus Is The Light Of The World!


Just like the blind man received His sight from Jesus, we see the true light when we say, “Yes” to Jesus. If people aren’t following Jesus, then they’re just stumbling around in the dark.


That reminds me of this week’s Big Do.


Set up an obstacle course in your living room. Turn off the lights and try to make it through without bumping into the obstacles. Then turn the lights on and try it again.


I hope you can remember what it looks like once the lights are off, or you might be in some trouble. Let’s play a game where you have to make a blind guess. We’re going to show some slides for five seconds, and then you will answer questions about what you saw.

Optional, play game music.

Show each slide for three seconds, and then ask questions about what was on the slide. You can question the whole group or bring up a few kids on stage.


It’s hard to get it right when you can’t see what’s on the screen.


Thankfully we follow a leader who give us light. Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about what we’ve learned from the Bible.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Why didn’t Rusty’s idea work?

  • Who was more blind to the truth in the Big Story – the blind man or religious leaders? The religious leaders. Why were they so confused about what was true? Because they didn’t trust in Jesus, so they didn’t have His light to guide them.

  • Why is it important for us to follow Jesus? So we can make wise choices, have light, please the Lord. How do we get His light? Saying Yes to Him, reading the Bible, praying. How does His light help us each day?

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Set up an obstacle course

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says Jesus Is The ______ Of The World!

    • Friend

    • Light

  • What was wrong with the man Jesus met in the Big Story?

    • Couldn’t walk

    • Couldn’t see

  • Who was angry that the blind man had been healed by Jesus?

    • Jewish teachers

    • The man’s parents

  • How did the blind man respond when he saw Jesus?

    • Told Jesus to leave

    • Worshipped Jesus

  • Jesus’ light helps us see truth.

    • True

    • False

  • John 8:12 (NIrV), “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows Me will never walk in ________.”

    • Truth

    • Darkness

  • What kind of business did Rusty create?

    • Window washing service

    • Blind tour guide

  • Sometimes the darkness can overpower Jesus’ light.

    • True

    • False

  • How does Jesus give us light?

    • The Bible and godly people

    • Social media and tv

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Set up an obstacle course