Jesus Is The Bread Of Life



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Full Program Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: Which restaurant has the absolute best pizza?

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Slice of Bread (2), Small Table/Box (2), Plate (2), Ping Pong Balls, Peanut Butter

Before service, choose two kids and explain the rules of the game. They will attempt to throw a ping pong ball onto a slice of bread. Lights come up to the Host, Co-Host, and two kids already on stage. The Host and Co-Host are wearing lab coats. On the stage sit two plates on two small tables/boxes. On the plates are a slice of bread with peanut putter spread on top.


On your mark, get set, go!

Optional, play game music.


These contestants are attempting to stick one ping pong ball to the peanut butter spread on a delicious piece of bread.

Play the game.


Congratulations to our winner! Peanut butter, jelly, bread, and ping pong were made for each other.


Does that sound like a disgusting sandwich to you guys? Yeah, I would never eat that. But bread is something that most kids, and adults, love.


Did you know that Jesus talked about bread?


It’s true. He used bread to teach us something important. That’s what we’re going to discover today as we dig into the Bible.


But first tell someone nearby which “bread” you prefer for breakfast: a muffin or a donut.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Flour, Bowl, Water, Yeast, Salt, Large Spoon, Apron, Table, Rustic Bread

Before the Engage, set up the ingredients and equipment on a table on the stage.

Host and Co-Host enter


Now that I saw where it comes from, I really wish I hadn’t tried a bite of Rusty’s pizza.


Yeah, you might want to drink some water and flush that out of your system. Have any of you accidentally ever had some food that had gone bad, like milk or cheese? What happened?

Interview a couple of kids.


I wonder why he started a three-week old pizza delivery service.


He sounds like he needs some help figuring out a better plan. Our Big Point teaches us the best place to find help. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three you read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, Jesus Is The Bread of Life! That might sound like a weird analogy. Let’s take a look at bread. Have any of you ever made bread before at home?


Making bread is actually not that hard. You just need a few simple ingredients. I have a friend who is going to help me mix these ingredients.

Have a child come up to assist you in making the dough. He/She can wear the apron.


Mix these ingredients together in this order. Flour, salt, and yeast. Mix that up. Now add the water and mix it. There’s another ingredient we need to make this into bread: time. The yeast makes the dough rise and adds flavor.


It can take a few hours for the dough to rise, and you might have to do it a couple of times. Where do you put the bread once it’s finished rising? In the oven, of course, and then it comes out like this.

Have the child show the finished bread and dismiss the child.


I remember a story from the Old Testament where God gave the Israelites bread from Heaven each morning so they would have food to eat.


That’s true. It was called manna. That manna was a taste of the real bread from Heaven, Jesus. He helps us each and every day, but the best thing He gives us is life that lasts forever. We can always go to Jesus for the help we need. Let’s see if Rusty can find some help thinking of a new idea.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Would any of you try Rusty’s pizza? I think I would say, “No.”


From the looks of how it’s affecting Sophia, I’d say it’s the opposite of what we’ve learned about Jesus. He gives us life instead of a sick tummy. Let’s say our Big Point,


Jesus Is The Bread Of Life!


Let’s turn to the Bible and see what Jesus said about Himself in today’s Big Verse.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


Help us out as we count down from three and then you’ll read the verse.


The Big Verse says, John 6:35 (NIrV), “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry.”


There’s a type of bread called sourdough. To make that dough you begin with a starter. It’s basically a mixture of flour and water that is full of yeast and bacteria that grow naturally.


Gross, why would I want germs in my bread?


They’re good germs. We actually need some germs to be healthy. Once you have a starter you can keep using it to make more bread, as long as you feed it.


What does bread eat? Hamburgers?


No, just more flour and water. Once you have it, you can keep it going for a long time.


They’ve made bread in San Francisco from a starter made in 1840. In Germany there’s a town whose bread starter was made in 1633. Scientists even brought dead yeast from ancient Egypt back to life and made bread from it. That yeast was over 4,000 years old.


That’s bread that keeps going and going. It’s like Jesus. He is the bread of life that never runs out. We never go hungry when we follow Jesus. We always have His help, and He gives us life that lasts forever.


That’s why we go to Jesus every day and ask for His help. We know that He’s never too busy to help. He never runs out of power. Let’s take a moment to stand and worship God.

Big Story

Optional play soft instrumental music.

I’d like everyone to bow your heads and close your eyes. I’m so thankful that Jesus provides good things in my life every day. Maybe you’re facing something challenging, and you need something or you’re wondering what you’re going to do. It could be something at home or at school. Without looking around, give me a thumbs up if you thought of something. No matter what it is, Jesus has what you need, lots of it, and He wants to give it to you. Even if you don’t know exactly what to ask for, Jesus knows the perfect thing that you need. We have some volunteers at the front who would love to pray with you about whatever you’re facing. Together we can believe that Jesus will provide anything and everything you need because He is the Bread of Life! Let’s stand and worship. Those of you who want to pray with someone, come to the front to pray.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Small Table/Box (2), Loaf Of Bread (2), Toaster

Host and Co-Host enter.


I’m glad to see that Rusty is giving up on that terrible idea for pizza delivery.


Yep, his bread was moldy and out of date. That’s nothing like Jesus. His help is fresh and ready to go every single day. Unlike Rusty’s gross bread, Jesus’ help will never run out. Remember our Big Point,


Jesus Is The Bread Of Life!


Jesus made the bread and fish keep going in our Big Story. That was like an object lesson for what Jesus can do for us.


It sure is and you can discuss that story with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Make your favorite sandwich. As you add each ingredient, talk about one thing Jesus has provided for your family.


That gives me an idea for a game. My favorite sandwich begins with toasted bread. We have two kids who are going to attempt to land one slice of bread in this toaster in sixty seconds. If you can complete the challenge, you will win points for your team.

Optional, play game music. Play the game. Set up the toaster a few feet from the kids on a small table or box. Give each kid a loaf of bread to toss. If time permits, you could play multiple rounds of the game.


Great effort in that game. Don’t forget that Jesus gives us help that will never run out. Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about what we’ve learned from the Bible.

Small Groups

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • What are some ways that Jesus has provided for you or your family?

  • What was wrong with Rusty’s pizza idea? How is that different from the way Jesus works? Rusty’s pizza was old and yucky. Jesus’ help is fresh every day and never runs out.

  • How does our Big Story help us understand how Jesus will help us every day? Jesus is the true bread from Heaven. Just like He provided food that never ran out, He can provide help and life to us that never runs out.

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Make a sandwich

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says Jesus Is The ______ Of Life!

    • Bread

    • Candy

  • How many people did Jesus feed with a small lunch?

    • 500

    • Over 5,000

  • What was wrong with the pizza Rusty served?

    • It was too spicy

    • It was old

  • The boy’s lunch that he offered to Jesus had two fish and _____ loaves of bread.

    • 50

    • 5

  • Jesus only provided a small bite of food to each person.

    • True

    • False

  • John 6:35 (NIrV), “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will ______ go hungry.”

    • Always

    • Never

  • What are some ways that Jesus provides for us?

  • Jesus is so busy that He can only provide for us occasionally.

    • True

    • False

  • To receive Jesus’ help we have to _______.

    • Believe

    • Work hard

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Make a sandwich

Jesus Is The Bread Of Life Instructions

Countdown / Rules

Question of the Day: Which restaurant has the absolute best pizza?

WelcomeMaterials: Lab Coat (2), Slice of Bread (2), Small Table/Box (2), Plate (2), Ping Pong Balls, Peanut Butter

Before service, choose two kids and explain the rules of the game. They will attempt to throw a ping pong ball onto a slice of bread. Lights come up to the Host, Co-Host, and two kids already on stage. The Host and Co-Host are wearing lab coats. On the stage sit two plates on two small tables/boxes. On the plates are a slice of bread with peanut putter spread on top.


On your mark, get set, go!

Optional, play game music.


These contestants are attempting to stick one ping pong ball to the peanut butter spread on a delicious piece of bread.

Play the game.


Congratulations to our winner! Peanut butter, jelly, bread, and ping pong were made for each other.


Does that sound like a disgusting sandwich to you guys? Yeah, I would never eat that. But bread is something that most kids, and adults, love.


Did you know that Jesus talked about bread?


It’s true. He used bread to teach us something important. That’s what we’re going to discover today as we dig into the Bible.


But first tell someone nearby which “bread” you prefer for breakfast: a muffin or a donut.

Engage 1Materials: Lab Coat (2), Flour, Bowl, Water, Yeast, Salt, Large Spoon, Apron, Table, Rustic Bread

Before the Engage, set up the ingredients and equipment on a table on the stage.

Host and Co-Host enter


Now that I saw where it comes from, I really wish I hadn’t tried a bite of Rusty’s pizza.


Yeah, you might want to drink some water and flush that out of your system. Have any of you accidentally ever had some food that had gone bad, like milk or cheese? What happened?

Interview a couple of kids.


I wonder why he started a three-week old pizza delivery service.


He sounds like he needs some help figuring out a better plan. Our Big Point teaches us the best place to find help. I need a volunteer to help us reveal it.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


After we count down from three you read the Big Point.


Let’s all say it together, Jesus Is The Bread of Life! That might sound like a weird analogy. Let’s take a look at bread. Have any of you ever made bread before at home?


Making bread is actually not that hard. You just need a few simple ingredients. I have a friend who is going to help me mix these ingredients.

Have a child come up to assist you in making the dough. He/She can wear the apron.


Mix these ingredients together in this order. Flour, salt, and yeast. Mix that up. Now add the water and mix it. There’s another ingredient we need to make this into bread: time. The yeast makes the dough rise and adds flavor.


It can take a few hours for the dough to rise, and you might have to do it a couple of times. Where do you put the bread once it’s finished rising? In the oven, of course, and then it comes out like this.

Have the child show the finished bread and dismiss the child.


I remember a story from the Old Testament where God gave the Israelites bread from Heaven each morning so they would have food to eat.


That’s true. It was called manna. That manna was a taste of the real bread from Heaven, Jesus. He helps us each and every day, but the best thing He gives us is life that lasts forever. We can always go to Jesus for the help we need. Let’s see if Rusty can find some help thinking of a new idea.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2)

Host and Co-Host enter.


Would any of you try Rusty’s pizza? I think I would say, “No.”


From the looks of how it’s affecting Sophia, I’d say it’s the opposite of what we’ve learned about Jesus. He gives us life instead of a sick tummy. Let’s say our Big Point,


Jesus Is The Bread Of Life!


Let’s turn to the Bible and see what Jesus said about Himself in today’s Big Verse.

Host and Co-Host choose a kid to volunteer.


Help us out as we count down from three and then you’ll read the verse.


The Big Verse says, John 6:35 (NIrV), “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry.”


There’s a type of bread called sourdough. To make that dough you begin with a starter. It’s basically a mixture of flour and water that is full of yeast and bacteria that grow naturally.


Gross, why would I want germs in my bread?


They’re good germs. We actually need some germs to be healthy. Once you have a starter you can keep using it to make more bread, as long as you feed it.


What does bread eat? Hamburgers?


No, just more flour and water. Once you have it, you can keep it going for a long time.


They’ve made bread in San Francisco from a starter made in 1840. In Germany there’s a town whose bread starter was made in 1633. Scientists even brought dead yeast from ancient Egypt back to life and made bread from it. That yeast was over 4,000 years old.


That’s bread that keeps going and going. It’s like Jesus. He is the bread of life that never runs out. We never go hungry when we follow Jesus. We always have His help, and He gives us life that lasts forever.


That’s why we go to Jesus every day and ask for His help. We know that He’s never too busy to help. He never runs out of power. Let’s take a moment to stand and worship God.

Big Story

Optional play soft instrumental music.

I’d like everyone to bow your heads and close your eyes. I’m so thankful that Jesus provides good things in my life every day. Maybe you’re facing something challenging, and you need something or you’re wondering what you’re going to do. It could be something at home or at school. Without looking around, give me a thumbs up if you thought of something. No matter what it is, Jesus has what you need, lots of it, and He wants to give it to you. Even if you don’t know exactly what to ask for, Jesus knows the perfect thing that you need. We have some volunteers at the front who would love to pray with you about whatever you’re facing. Together we can believe that Jesus will provide anything and everything you need because He is the Bread of Life! Let’s stand and worship. Those of you who want to pray with someone, come to the front to pray.

Engage 3Materials: Lab Coat (2), Small Table/Box (2), Loaf Of Bread (2), Toaster

Host and Co-Host enter.


I’m glad to see that Rusty is giving up on that terrible idea for pizza delivery.


Yep, his bread was moldy and out of date. That’s nothing like Jesus. His help is fresh and ready to go every single day. Unlike Rusty’s gross bread, Jesus’ help will never run out. Remember our Big Point,


Jesus Is The Bread Of Life!


Jesus made the bread and fish keep going in our Big Story. That was like an object lesson for what Jesus can do for us.


It sure is and you can discuss that story with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Make your favorite sandwich. As you add each ingredient, talk about one thing Jesus has provided for your family.


That gives me an idea for a game. My favorite sandwich begins with toasted bread. We have two kids who are going to attempt to land one slice of bread in this toaster in sixty seconds. If you can complete the challenge, you will win points for your team.

Optional, play game music. Play the game. Set up the toaster a few feet from the kids on a small table or box. Give each kid a loaf of bread to toss. If time permits, you could play multiple rounds of the game.


Great effort in that game. Don’t forget that Jesus gives us help that will never run out. Let’s turn and connect with our small groups and talk about what we’ve learned from the Bible.

Small Groups

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • What are some ways that Jesus has provided for you or your family?

  • What was wrong with Rusty’s pizza idea? How is that different from the way Jesus works? Rusty’s pizza was old and yucky. Jesus’ help is fresh every day and never runs out.

  • How does our Big Story help us understand how Jesus will help us every day? Jesus is the true bread from Heaven. Just like He provided food that never ran out, He can provide help and life to us that never runs out.

  • What did Herman tell us to do with our families in the Big Do? Make a sandwich

Big Review

Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says Jesus Is The ______ Of Life!

    • Bread

    • Candy

  • How many people did Jesus feed with a small lunch?

    • 500

    • Over 5,000

  • What was wrong with the pizza Rusty served?

    • It was too spicy

    • It was old

  • The boy’s lunch that he offered to Jesus had two fish and _____ loaves of bread.

    • 50

    • 5

  • Jesus only provided a small bite of food to each person.

    • True

    • False

  • John 6:35 (NIrV), “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will ______ go hungry.”

    • Always

    • Never

  • What are some ways that Jesus provides for us?

  • Jesus is so busy that He can only provide for us occasionally.

    • True

    • False

  • To receive Jesus’ help we have to _______.

    • Believe

    • Work hard

  • What challenge did Herman give us as this week’s Big Do? Make a sandwich