Easter Is Good News!

This lesson presents God’s gift of salvation. Every church presents the Gospel with slight variations and nuances. Read through the steps before teaching. Present the Gospel in a way that is consistent with the scripture and God’s leading.
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Easter Is Good News!



This content is provided free of charge by The Ark Church.

Large Group Instructions

Countdown / RulesMaterials: Note This Lesson is only set up for 30 min it is meant to run with an Easter Egg Hunt

Question of the Day: What is your favorite thing about Easter?

Engage 2 prep: Be sure to read the instructions and practice ahead of time. The illusion can be found at laflinmagicstore.com. If you don’t have the illusion, then you consider telling it using the torn and restored heart illusion. (View the illusion here) Simply tear the heart when you describe each bad thing and then “restore” the heart when you describe how Jesus loved us enough to come and die for us on Easter to fix these problems.

Engage 3 Prep: You can purchase the One Ear, Two Ears game from crowdcontrolgames.com. If you can’t access the game, then you can play a version where the Co-Host or Host chooses to hold up one arm, two arms, or no arms after all of the kids have made their choice. He or she can be blindfolded or turn around while the kids make their choice.

WelcomeMaterials: Giant Easter Egg (3, Labeled 1-3), Table, Tablecloth, Carrot, Bunny Ears, 3 Prizes (1 Good, 1 Great, 1 Bad)

Prior to the Welcome, position three Easter Eggs on a table, with a tablecloth covering the table. Number the eggs one to three.

The Host and Co-host enter.


Hoppy Easter!


Hoppy? Don’t you mean happy?


Nope, I’m mean hoppy. Like Easter is a bunny-hopping good time!

Co-Host puts bunny ears on and hops around the Host. He/She then nibbles on a carrot.


Easter is full of fun, but there’s actually a really important reason why we celebrate this holiday, and it’s not because of bunnies or eggs or candy. We celebrate what Jesus did for us. For some of you, that might be a story you’ve never heard. Today we’ll discover why Easter matters.


That does sound really good. Um, but can we still play a game with Easter Eggs?


Of course, Easter is so good that we should have fun celebrating.


We’ve chosen two kids to come up here and play a simple game. All you have to do is choose one of these eggs to be your prize egg. One of them contains something bad, one something good, and one something great.

Bring two kids up and have them each choose one eggs to be their egg. The kids can’t pick them up or touch them. After they choose, reveal the one that wasn’t chosen first, followed by the other two.


That was fun. The Easter story is full of great things for us. We’ll learn today about someone who found a bad surprise on Easter morning, but his bad surprise was good for us. Let’s stand and get ready to worship. As you do, tell someone nearby what you plan to do when you get home.

Host and Co-Host turn to exit.


You know I laid those eggs this morning.


No, you didn’t.

Engage 1Materials: Bunny Ears, Tape

Host and Co-Host enter.


Do you want to hear my favorite song?


What is it?


(Singing) “Every bunny was Kung Fu fighting. Those rabbits were fast as lightning.”


That was terrible. I think we’d be better off hearing our Big Point. We need everyone’s help to reveal it. Let’s count down from three.


Let’s all say it together, Easter Is Good News! I’m going to need you to explain why it’s good news.


That’s exactly what I want to do, but I want to use a game to help. We’ve chosen a group of kids to come on stage and play a game of tag. But this game of tag is a little different. It’s bunny tag. We have taped a large rectangle on stage. One kid is in the middle as the bunny. When I say, “Go,” the other kids must run from one line to the other while trying not to get tagged by the bunny.


I have an idea to make it harder. Whenever you get tagged, you must sit where you were tagged and become an Easter egg. You have to stay put, but you can use your arms to tag anyone who passes by. Let’s see who’s the last one standing.

Play optional game music. Choose a number of kids appropriate to the size of the play area. If space permits, use the entire group. Keep the kids on stage, sitting, after the end of the game.


Now, let me explain our Big Point. We have a big problem. We live in a world where bad things happen, and where it’s really easy to make a choice that hurts others and ourselves. It’s like navigating through all of these kids in a tag game. It’s hard not to get tripped up.


How is that good news?


It’s not, but Easter is good news. Jesus came to rescue us from this big problem. We couldn’t fix it. There was only one way to do it. He had to die in our place, even though He never did anything wrong. Then He came back to life. This was the one and only way to defeat the evil things that try to trip us up. Jesus won the battle at Easter so that His followers could be free. Good news like that is a great reason to worship God.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Sponge Cross Illusion

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s say our Big Point,

Easter Is Good News!


I’m guessing that the Bible has something to say about this good news.


It sure does. Let’s check out our Big Verse. We need everyone’s help to reveal it. Count down from three.


1 Corinthians 15:57 (NIrV) says, “But let us give thanks to God! He gives us the victory because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done.”

As the Co-Host reads the previous verse, the Host should grab the cross sponge illusion with sponges in one hand and the cross sponge in the other. Be sure to read the instructions and practice ahead of time. The illusion can be found at laflinmagicstore.com If you don’t have the illusion, then you consider telling it using the torn and restored heart illusion. (View the illusion here) Simply tear the heart when you describe each bad thing and then “restore” the heart when you describe how Jesus loved us enough to come and die for us on Easter to fix these problems.


I need someone’s help to explain this verse. (Choose a kid) First I need you to choose a hand. (Hand the child the folded sponge cross) We face a lot of problems. One big issue is sin. That’s a word that basically means any choice that doesn’t match how God wants us to live. We’ve all done it. Sin messes up everything in our lives.

Stack one cube on your palm.


Another issue that people often deal with is what happens after we die. Do we just stay in the ground? Is that it?

Stack the second cube.


We also can’t forget about evil. There’s a lot of evil in our world. That can make the world pretty scary.

Stack the third cube.


Another big problem is feeling guilty. When we’ve done something wrong, we feel guilty and worry about what we should do, if we’re going to get caught or get in trouble, and if God could ever use like someone like us who makes mistakes.

Stack the fourth cube.


But those BIG problems were all beaten (Blow the cube sponges off your hand) when Jesus died on the cross and came back to life on Easter. (Reveal the cross sponge that the child held) Jesus won the victory over death when He came back to life. He defeated sin and guilt as He took our place on the cross. He died for us so that we didn’t have to. That means Jesus can forgive us, and He gives us the power to make wise choices. Jesus won the victory over evil. Yep, even though bad things still happen, Easter reminds that one day Jesus will make things right and rid the world of evil, once and for all. Let’s take a moment to hear the Easter story.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

If you have never said, “Yes, I want the kind of life Jesus offers. I want Jesus to forgive me, be my best friend, and I will follow Him for the rest of my life,” then today is your day! I’d like everyone to close your eyes and bow your heads, so no one is distracted. If you have already said, “Yes” to Jesus, you believe He is alive, and you are His friend and follower, give me a thumbs up. That’s awesome. You can put your hands down. If you’ve never said, “Yes” to Jesus before, and you want to say, “Yes” to Him right now, ask Him to forgive you, and tell Him you want to live your life differently, raise your hand. We’re going to pray all together. Those of you who are already friends and followers of Jesus can join in, too. Repeat after me, and let’s pray... 

Dear God,

I know everyone needs a Savior, 

and I know I can’t save myself. 

Jesus, I believe

You are the Son of God.

I believe You died on the cross for my sins 

and God raised You from the dead.

Right now, 

I say you are my Lord, 

my Savior, 

and the One who forgives me.

Thank you, Jesus, 

that You are my best friend and leader of my life, 

because I’ve said, “Yes” to You. Amen.

If you prayed that prayer for the very first time today, then I want you to share that good news with someone. When we break into small groups today, you can join a special small group just for kids who said, “Yes” for the first time. Look for the special sign as we break later.

Engage 3

Host and Co-Host enter.


Who found a ton of Easter eggs today?! I hope you have a blast eating all that candy.


That candy tastes so much better because of the truth behind the Easter story. Now you know why Jesus died and came back to life and what that makes our Big Point true.


Easter Is Good News!


That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Count all of the Easter eggs you found today with your family. See how many you have, then see if you can think of that many good things that Jesus has done for you and your family.


Let’s stand and play a fun game to wrap up a fun day. It’s called One Ear, Two Ears. It’s a simple game in which you guess whether the screen will stop on the bunny with one ear, two ears, or no ears. Hold one arm up high for one ear, two arms for two ears, and keep your arms by your side for no ears.

Play the game. You can purchase the game from crowdcontrolgames.com. If you can’t access the game, then you can play a version where the Co-Host or Host chooses to hold up one arm, two arms, or no arms after all of the kids have made their choice. He or she can be blindfolded or turn around while the kids make their choice.


Remember that Easter is good news because Jesus won the battle over evil and death. Remember that He died and rose again so that we could be forgiven and guilt-free. That means we can all become part of God’s family and live forever with Him. Let’s break up into our small groups and talk about the Easter story.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Why is it such good news that Jesus came back to life? In that, Jesus defeated death! That means we can live with Him forever, too. We won’t stay dead. Our bodies will one day be resurrected, just like Jesus was.

  • Why is it such good news that Jesus defeated our enemy and gained victory over sin and evil? He gives us the power to make wise choices instead of wrong ones. We can now love people instead of hurting them. We know that Jesus will one day completely get rid of all the evil in our world.

  • What is one thing that you learned today about Easter that you could share with someone in your family?

  • What is today’s Big Do? List as many good things that Jesus has done for you as the number of eggs you have

Big Review

Play optional game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says Easter Is _____ News!

    • Good

    • Bad

  • Who wanted to put Jesus on the cross?

    • Jesus’ followers

    • Satan

  • When Jesus died on the cross, He ____ the battle against evil.

    • Lost

    • Won

  • How many days did Jesus stay inside the tomb?

    • 3

    • 365

  • Jesus came back to life with a real body that could be touched.

    • True

    • False

  • 1 Corinthians 15:57 (NIrV), “But let us give thanks to God! He gives us _______ because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done.”

    • Nothing

    • The Victory

  • Name one reason why Easter is good news.

  • Why do we not have to be afraid of dying anymore?

  • God is working in our world to set thing right.

    • True

    • False

  • What is this week’s Big Do?

List good things that Jesus has done for you

Easter Is Good News! Instructions

Countdown / RulesMaterials: Note This Lesson is only set up for 30 min it is meant to run with an Easter Egg Hunt

Question of the Day: What is your favorite thing about Easter?

Engage 2 prep: Be sure to read the instructions and practice ahead of time. The illusion can be found at laflinmagicstore.com. If you don’t have the illusion, then you consider telling it using the torn and restored heart illusion. (View the illusion here) Simply tear the heart when you describe each bad thing and then “restore” the heart when you describe how Jesus loved us enough to come and die for us on Easter to fix these problems.

Engage 3 Prep: You can purchase the One Ear, Two Ears game from crowdcontrolgames.com. If you can’t access the game, then you can play a version where the Co-Host or Host chooses to hold up one arm, two arms, or no arms after all of the kids have made their choice. He or she can be blindfolded or turn around while the kids make their choice.

WelcomeMaterials: Giant Easter Egg (3, Labeled 1-3), Table, Tablecloth, Carrot, Bunny Ears, 3 Prizes (1 Good, 1 Great, 1 Bad)

Prior to the Welcome, position three Easter Eggs on a table, with a tablecloth covering the table. Number the eggs one to three.

The Host and Co-host enter.


Hoppy Easter!


Hoppy? Don’t you mean happy?


Nope, I’m mean hoppy. Like Easter is a bunny-hopping good time!

Co-Host puts bunny ears on and hops around the Host. He/She then nibbles on a carrot.


Easter is full of fun, but there’s actually a really important reason why we celebrate this holiday, and it’s not because of bunnies or eggs or candy. We celebrate what Jesus did for us. For some of you, that might be a story you’ve never heard. Today we’ll discover why Easter matters.


That does sound really good. Um, but can we still play a game with Easter Eggs?


Of course, Easter is so good that we should have fun celebrating.


We’ve chosen two kids to come up here and play a simple game. All you have to do is choose one of these eggs to be your prize egg. One of them contains something bad, one something good, and one something great.

Bring two kids up and have them each choose one eggs to be their egg. The kids can’t pick them up or touch them. After they choose, reveal the one that wasn’t chosen first, followed by the other two.


That was fun. The Easter story is full of great things for us. We’ll learn today about someone who found a bad surprise on Easter morning, but his bad surprise was good for us. Let’s stand and get ready to worship. As you do, tell someone nearby what you plan to do when you get home.

Host and Co-Host turn to exit.


You know I laid those eggs this morning.


No, you didn’t.

Engage 1Materials: Bunny Ears, Tape

Host and Co-Host enter.


Do you want to hear my favorite song?


What is it?


(Singing) “Every bunny was Kung Fu fighting. Those rabbits were fast as lightning.”


That was terrible. I think we’d be better off hearing our Big Point. We need everyone’s help to reveal it. Let’s count down from three.


Let’s all say it together, Easter Is Good News! I’m going to need you to explain why it’s good news.


That’s exactly what I want to do, but I want to use a game to help. We’ve chosen a group of kids to come on stage and play a game of tag. But this game of tag is a little different. It’s bunny tag. We have taped a large rectangle on stage. One kid is in the middle as the bunny. When I say, “Go,” the other kids must run from one line to the other while trying not to get tagged by the bunny.


I have an idea to make it harder. Whenever you get tagged, you must sit where you were tagged and become an Easter egg. You have to stay put, but you can use your arms to tag anyone who passes by. Let’s see who’s the last one standing.

Play optional game music. Choose a number of kids appropriate to the size of the play area. If space permits, use the entire group. Keep the kids on stage, sitting, after the end of the game.


Now, let me explain our Big Point. We have a big problem. We live in a world where bad things happen, and where it’s really easy to make a choice that hurts others and ourselves. It’s like navigating through all of these kids in a tag game. It’s hard not to get tripped up.


How is that good news?


It’s not, but Easter is good news. Jesus came to rescue us from this big problem. We couldn’t fix it. There was only one way to do it. He had to die in our place, even though He never did anything wrong. Then He came back to life. This was the one and only way to defeat the evil things that try to trip us up. Jesus won the battle at Easter so that His followers could be free. Good news like that is a great reason to worship God.

Engage 2Materials: Lab Coat (2), Sponge Cross Illusion

Host and Co-Host enter.


Let’s say our Big Point,

Easter Is Good News!


I’m guessing that the Bible has something to say about this good news.


It sure does. Let’s check out our Big Verse. We need everyone’s help to reveal it. Count down from three.


1 Corinthians 15:57 (NIrV) says, “But let us give thanks to God! He gives us the victory because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done.”

As the Co-Host reads the previous verse, the Host should grab the cross sponge illusion with sponges in one hand and the cross sponge in the other. Be sure to read the instructions and practice ahead of time. The illusion can be found at laflinmagicstore.com If you don’t have the illusion, then you consider telling it using the torn and restored heart illusion. (View the illusion here) Simply tear the heart when you describe each bad thing and then “restore” the heart when you describe how Jesus loved us enough to come and die for us on Easter to fix these problems.


I need someone’s help to explain this verse. (Choose a kid) First I need you to choose a hand. (Hand the child the folded sponge cross) We face a lot of problems. One big issue is sin. That’s a word that basically means any choice that doesn’t match how God wants us to live. We’ve all done it. Sin messes up everything in our lives.

Stack one cube on your palm.


Another issue that people often deal with is what happens after we die. Do we just stay in the ground? Is that it?

Stack the second cube.


We also can’t forget about evil. There’s a lot of evil in our world. That can make the world pretty scary.

Stack the third cube.


Another big problem is feeling guilty. When we’ve done something wrong, we feel guilty and worry about what we should do, if we’re going to get caught or get in trouble, and if God could ever use like someone like us who makes mistakes.

Stack the fourth cube.


But those BIG problems were all beaten (Blow the cube sponges off your hand) when Jesus died on the cross and came back to life on Easter. (Reveal the cross sponge that the child held) Jesus won the victory over death when He came back to life. He defeated sin and guilt as He took our place on the cross. He died for us so that we didn’t have to. That means Jesus can forgive us, and He gives us the power to make wise choices. Jesus won the victory over evil. Yep, even though bad things still happen, Easter reminds that one day Jesus will make things right and rid the world of evil, once and for all. Let’s take a moment to hear the Easter story.

Big Story

Play optional soft instrumental music.

If you have never said, “Yes, I want the kind of life Jesus offers. I want Jesus to forgive me, be my best friend, and I will follow Him for the rest of my life,” then today is your day! I’d like everyone to close your eyes and bow your heads, so no one is distracted. If you have already said, “Yes” to Jesus, you believe He is alive, and you are His friend and follower, give me a thumbs up. That’s awesome. You can put your hands down. If you’ve never said, “Yes” to Jesus before, and you want to say, “Yes” to Him right now, ask Him to forgive you, and tell Him you want to live your life differently, raise your hand. We’re going to pray all together. Those of you who are already friends and followers of Jesus can join in, too. Repeat after me, and let’s pray... 

Dear God,

I know everyone needs a Savior, 

and I know I can’t save myself. 

Jesus, I believe

You are the Son of God.

I believe You died on the cross for my sins 

and God raised You from the dead.

Right now, 

I say you are my Lord, 

my Savior, 

and the One who forgives me.

Thank you, Jesus, 

that You are my best friend and leader of my life, 

because I’ve said, “Yes” to You. Amen.

If you prayed that prayer for the very first time today, then I want you to share that good news with someone. When we break into small groups today, you can join a special small group just for kids who said, “Yes” for the first time. Look for the special sign as we break later.

Engage 3

Host and Co-Host enter.


Who found a ton of Easter eggs today?! I hope you have a blast eating all that candy.


That candy tastes so much better because of the truth behind the Easter story. Now you know why Jesus died and came back to life and what that makes our Big Point true.


Easter Is Good News!


That’s a story you can share with your family when you do this week’s Big Do.


Count all of the Easter eggs you found today with your family. See how many you have, then see if you can think of that many good things that Jesus has done for you and your family.


Let’s stand and play a fun game to wrap up a fun day. It’s called One Ear, Two Ears. It’s a simple game in which you guess whether the screen will stop on the bunny with one ear, two ears, or no ears. Hold one arm up high for one ear, two arms for two ears, and keep your arms by your side for no ears.

Play the game. You can purchase the game from crowdcontrolgames.com. If you can’t access the game, then you can play a version where the Co-Host or Host chooses to hold up one arm, two arms, or no arms after all of the kids have made their choice. He or she can be blindfolded or turn around while the kids make their choice.


Remember that Easter is good news because Jesus won the battle over evil and death. Remember that He died and rose again so that we could be forgiven and guilt-free. That means we can all become part of God’s family and live forever with Him. Let’s break up into our small groups and talk about the Easter story.

Small Group

Gather the kids into small groups and discuss the following.

  • Why is it such good news that Jesus came back to life? In that, Jesus defeated death! That means we can live with Him forever, too. We won’t stay dead. Our bodies will one day be resurrected, just like Jesus was.

  • Why is it such good news that Jesus defeated our enemy and gained victory over sin and evil? He gives us the power to make wise choices instead of wrong ones. We can now love people instead of hurting them. We know that Jesus will one day completely get rid of all the evil in our world.

  • What is one thing that you learned today about Easter that you could share with someone in your family?

  • What is today’s Big Do? List as many good things that Jesus has done for you as the number of eggs you have

Big Review

Play optional game music. Choose two kids from the audience to come on stage and answer the question.

  • Our Big Point says Easter Is _____ News!

    • Good

    • Bad

  • Who wanted to put Jesus on the cross?

    • Jesus’ followers

    • Satan

  • When Jesus died on the cross, He ____ the battle against evil.

    • Lost

    • Won

  • How many days did Jesus stay inside the tomb?

    • 3

    • 365

  • Jesus came back to life with a real body that could be touched.

    • True

    • False

  • 1 Corinthians 15:57 (NIrV), “But let us give thanks to God! He gives us _______ because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done.”

    • Nothing

    • The Victory

  • Name one reason why Easter is good news.

  • Why do we not have to be afraid of dying anymore?

  • God is working in our world to set thing right.

    • True

    • False

  • What is this week’s Big Do?

List good things that Jesus has done for you